February 13, 2025

Brother Raj
Excerpts From My Book Titled “Challenge The Challenges”
Getting Spiritual The prayer song was touching Raj’s heart so deep that tears rolled down. He felt a great solace in the church that
September 21, 2017

Pastor Chris Aguilar
Be Washed
In John 3:5, Jesus told a full grown man that he needed to be born again of a spiritual birth which consisted of water
September 20, 2017

Pastor Chris Aguilar
GCM 19th Year Anniversary
It is with great honour and privilege that we are here today to give God, our Lord Jesus Christ, the highest praise and thanks
August 22, 2017

Pastor Chris Aguilar
The True Leaders
True leaders are SERVANTS not lords, and good leaders are STEWARDS not traitors. If you are appointed by your pastor, exercise servanthood, not lordship.
August 15, 2017