Be Washed

In John 3:5, Jesus told a full grown man that he needed to be born again of a spiritual birth which consisted of water and spirit. (notice two distinct elements WATER and SPIRIT).. The devil has many false christian preachers that teach that the “birth of the water” refers to a man’s physical birth (since […]
GCM 19th Year Anniversary

It is with great honour and privilege that we are here today to give God, our Lord Jesus Christ, the highest praise and thanks for His wonderful kindness as we celebrate our 19th Church Anniversary in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is truly a blessing to be God’s mouthpiece for these many years. We are […]
The True Leaders

True leaders are SERVANTS not lords, and good leaders are STEWARDS not traitors. If you are appointed by your pastor, exercise servanthood, not lordship. Knowing your limitations is very important to maintain a good quality leadership. The pastor is always the final authority in the church. Other leaders are delegated authorities, are always under the […]